
History of Navigation: Luanda, Kochi and Jakarta

  • 莫珊嵐 / 博士生 / 2021
  • 當代視覺文化與實踐研究所

2006年由行政院國家科學委員會科學教育發展處委託本申請單位辦理「李國鼎科技與人文藝術獎」(簡稱「K.T.科藝獎」),宗旨在推動科技與人文藝術之結合,以展現科普教育之涵義,提升我國相關創意活動的能量,同時紀念李故資政國鼎先生一生提倡科技建設與提升人文素養之志業。開辦以來,K.T. 獎得到了所有相關學術界和行業的熱烈回應。歷屆得獎作品獲評審高度關注與肯定,除了發揮藝術與科技結合的效果外,亦展現台灣在此方面活動的能量,各大專研究所及業界更視其為一重要指標。 此兩屆競賽有三大特色:第一,協辦台北市政府的「台北數位藝術節」,於松菸展出當屆得獎作品,成果輝煌,104年參觀人數7萬6327人次。105年為十週年慶典,展出過去十年優秀作品精選,參觀人數6萬51920人次。第二,加強跨單位合作,例如105年在李國鼎故居舉辦了十周年動畫回顧展及論壇,論壇有40人參與;另在關渡國際動畫節中增加此節目單元,呈現動畫技術逐漸進步的軌跡,觀賞人數40人。第三特色為科普人才培育,使民眾與年輕學子能深入了解科技藝術,兩年來辦了四場工作坊。 本計畫工作項目分為四個階段。第一階段主要工作為宣傳與收件,兩年舉辦了5場推廣座談會、於平面媒體曝光、建置網站、經營FACEBOOK粉絲專頁,並將紙本與電子海報寄發超過180個科系。 第二階段為評選及籌備展覽,舉辦了四場評選會,其中遊戲組與互動科技藝術組各召集參賽者進行現場展演解說。接下來安排得獎人於「台北數位藝術節」展出,指導創作者進行展場規畫與佈置,並於開幕典禮公布名次與頒獎。 第三階段我們舉行論壇與工作坊,105年5月臺灣藝術大學許素朱教授辦理BB-8機器人創客工作坊,參與師生近40名;同年10月與楊東華教授於中國科技大學合辦「Unity 新功能與擴增實境研習營」,66名學員報名;105年底至106年初在中國科技大學舉辦三場「Unreal 遊戲引擎進階研習營」,總計221人。除工作坊及研習營外,我們亦於台北數位藝術節中舉辦K.T.科藝論壇,邀請業界資深專業老師與當屆金獎得獎人進行公開訪談,並與民眾互動,培養民眾對數位科技作品製作過程的認識,啟發民眾對於數位科技藝術的興趣。 在第四階段,我們聚焦於成果紀錄,編輯紀念專刊,並將成果影片上傳至網站、YOUTUBE、FACEBOOK等社群,供相關科系師生們參考,並協助得獎人與相關廠商之媒合。 2014~2015年成功協助得獎人與業界企業技術合作之媒合,令其專業得以擁有更多資金等資源進行開發,未來更期望透過K.T.科藝獎這個平台,號召更多單位投入數位科技之發展,落實科技部促進國家科技發展之宗旨。

Kuo-Ting Lee Technology and Humanities Awards (K.T. Award) was sponsored by the Science Education Development Section of the National Science Council since 2006. The purpose is to promote the combination of technology and arts. In the other hand, to memorize the achievements of Mr. Kuo-Ting Lee. So far, the K. T. Award has received enthusiastic response from related academia and industries. All the winning works get high attentions and positive compliments. There are three major characteristics in these two years: First, we were displayed on the platform of the "Taipei Digital Arts Festival" held by the Taipei Municipal Government. The cumulative number of visitors is more than 200,000. Second, we have more cooperation with new partners. We held the 10th Retrospective animation exhibitions with Kuandu International Animation Festival. We selected some excellent winning works from the past 10 years. The third critical focus of this project involves promotion of the development of top notch science and technology professionals. We organized 4 workshops, including one BB-8 robot maker and three digital game workshops. Our project work deployed in four phases. The first phase was hosting the K.T. Digital Arts Awards’ roving conference and other promotions of this competition, such as medias, website and Facebook. We sent posters to more than 180 related departments of schools. The second phase was gathering juries to evaluate the entries and decide the awards. All the winning entries are displayed at the Taipei Digital Arts Festival. The third phase involves hosting the “K.T. Digital Arts Forum” with all the competition winners enjoying group invitations to participate, along with the industry experts to provide guidance. In the fourth phase, we recorded our results in DVD and upload the winning works of K.T. Awards to Youtube and Facebook. We hope that there are more units willing to join into the digital technology Development through the K.T.Award.

  • 石昌杰
  • 設計學院 ∕ 多媒體動畫藝術學系所


Kuo-Ting Lee Technology and Humanities Awards (K.T Award) was launched by Prof. Zhu Yunpeng, who was the Director of the Taiwan economy Center, and Prof.

  • 石昌杰
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系所


Become Human

  • 劉奕宏 / 碩士生 / 2019年
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系動畫藝術碩士班


  • 鐘世凱
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系


Compared to ordinary feature films, short animations are quite different as the story must be completely expressed in a limited span of time

  • 鐘世凱
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系


A Study on Cinema Narrative in Middle-aged Father-son Relationship for the Creation of the 3D Animation “Bouncing Spores”


This animation focuses on the parent-child relationship between the son and the middle-aged father, which

  • 劉宜玟 / 碩士生 / 2017年
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系新媒體藝術碩士班


Color Planning in Animation ─ Comparison and Analysis of Color Planning in Blockbuster Animation of Films of US and Japan


Color is one of the core part in a film, color is especially important in animation, beautiful colors

  • 張凱翔 / 碩士生 / 2015年
  • 多媒體動畫藝術學系新媒體藝術碩士班