湯尼・奧斯勒(Tony Oursler)作品中「後台」的前移 ──以〈 LOCK2,4,6〉為例

Research of Tony Oursler’s Artworks Moved the Backstage forward: A case study of LOCK 2,4,6.

今年初甫於高雄市立美術館展出之美國錄像藝術家,湯尼・奧斯勒( Tony Oursler,以下簡稱奧斯勒)《黑盒幻魅於形-湯尼・奧斯勒 個展》,此展覽中,除了展示藝術家長期關注人類心理活動以及當代視覺文化下的流行圖像語彙,也展露出這些作品的「後台」,也就是毫不掩飾的投影機、線路等等作品必須具有的設備,但又不屬於觀看體驗一部分的物件。

At the beginning of this year, Black Box, was exhibited at the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts. In addition to showing the artist’s long-term attention to human psychological activities and popular image vocabulary under contemporary visual culture, it also reveals the "backstage" of these works. That is, the undisguised projectors, overt cables, and others. Such equipment that are necessary to present the work, but not a part of the viewing experience.

  • 李京樺 / 碩士生 / 2021
  • 當代視覺文化與實踐研究所