本研究於102年透過促發效應(priming effect)之心理實驗法進行實驗研究,分析人們判讀美術字體反應的快慢(MOST103-2410-H-144-008),
In earlier researches by the authors, standard procedures for creating pictograms were suggested, and the recognition efficiency of those pictograms
本研究於102年透過促發效應(priming effect)之心理實驗法進行實驗研究,分析人們判讀美術字體反應的快慢(MOST103-2410-H-144-008),
In earlier researches by the authors, standard procedures for creating pictograms were suggested, and the recognition efficiency of those pictograms
研究為瞭解視覺辨識美術字體設計的效率,採用「促發效應實驗」的概念進行實驗研究,以分析人們判讀美術字體反應的快慢,進而解析其辨識效益。如受試反應快即代表關聯性強,視覺辨識效率高,受試反應時間慢,即代表關聯性不高,其視覺辨識效率差,或是有著其他不同的現象。 實驗研究分為兩階段,第一階段為「內容分析法」,以隨機抽樣的方式,蒐集台灣第32、33屆(2013、2014)新一代設計展之各校「視覺主題之中文字」字形設計作為研究樣本,透過文獻的整理進行編碼與定義,共可分成七種「文字設計樣式」:原筆畫字形設計、減筆畫字形設計、連字設計、字形添加造形元素設計、圖形取代字形設計、具象造形字形設計、筆畫位移重組字形設計,以及一組控制組,作為實驗組。第二階段為「實驗法」,透過隨機60位受試者,以促發效應的程序,進行「文字設計判讀實驗」的判讀反應。透過二因子混合設計變異數分析進行檢定。實驗結果發現(1) 不同「受試者背景」並不影響反應時間的快慢,表示研究對象適用於每位來自不同領域的受試者。(2)整體反應速度由快至慢,依序為:控制組、原筆畫類和減筆畫類、字體添加造形類、位移重類、連字類、圖形取代類、具象造形類,除了非實驗處理的控制組外,最佳辨識度為原筆畫字形設計與減筆畫字形設計,反應最慢者則為具象造形字形設計。 本研究就視覺傳達設計領域而言,除了能提供多元的圖形與認知的判讀觀點外,更能提出文字與圖形組合設計的辨視效率之觀察與分析,透過視覺實驗探究視覺判讀的生理反應,提供相關視覺圖案、字體設計開發之判讀觀點與評估模式,以期建構視覺傳達有關視覺辨識效益之基礎理論。
The experimental research was divided into two stages. The first stage focused on content analysis. Random sampling was used to collect the Chinese characters designed under the visual theme by different schools in the 32nd and 33rd Young Designer exhibitions (in 2013 and 2014) as research samples. Through coding and definition based on literature review, the samples fell into seven categories of character design: characters of the original strokes, characters of reduced strokes, characters of ligature strokes, characters consisting shaping elements, characters replaced by graphics, characters based on concrete image, characters of reconstructed strokes, and regular script characters. The said samples were classified in the control group. The second stage focused on experimental research. 60 subjects were randomly selected to participate in the experiment of character interpretation based on the procedure for priming effect. Experimental results determined by two-way mixed ANOVA shows that (1) the background of the subjects does not have any impact on their speed of response, which suggests that the research subjects are applicable to all subjects from different fields; (2) the overall speed of response ranking from high to low are as follows: control group, characters of the original strokes and characters of reduced strokes, characters consisting shaping elements, characters of reconstructed strokes, characters of ligature strokes, characters replaced by graphics, and characters based on concrete image. Excluding the control group without experimental treatments, the most easily recognized character design is characters of the original strokes and characters of reduced strokes, while the most difficultly recognized one is characters based on concrete image. In the field of visual communication design, this study not only provides multiple views on interpretation of graphics and recognition, but more importantly, intends to establish the basic theories on visual recognition efficiency related to visual communication through observation and analysis of the recognition efficiency of a design combining characters and graphics, physiological responses recorded in visual experiments, provision of relevant visual patterns and interpretation view and evaluation mode of character design and development.