Interactive Exhibition and Visitor Behavior Intention -The Case Study of SOKA Culture Exhibitions
本研究探互動展示的觀眾參與經驗,應用總體學習成果模式(Generic Learning Outcomes, GLOs)理論,探討觀眾參與動機與總體學習成果。此研究以創價藝文的觀眾為對象。創價藝文自2003年起,以「文化尋根‧建構美術百年史」為策展主軸,推出以不同媒材創作的藝術家個展,展覽超過120位台灣在地藝術家。但究竟觀眾的參與經驗成效為何?是否有藉由互動展示的設置達成學習經驗的提升?
本研究選擇以創價藝文的〈大化衍行 陳庭詩的藝術天地〉藝術家系列展覽為主要研究對象,在於瞭解創價藝文為觀眾族群,試圖在策展上以「觀眾體驗」的方式,評估不同展覽中的教育互動區體驗,希望能藉此讓民眾在互動中學習的方式認識展覽中的美學知識內容。該系列展覽旨在促進並評估參觀者接觸本土藝術文化的新方式,藉此了解藝術作品的內涵與價值以提升學習成效。透過總體學習成果模式(Generic Learning Outcomes, GLOs)綜合選出評量指標,提出拓展接觸藝術的新方式,也建立起評估學習經驗影響力的方法,進而達成評估設計展區之目的。研究方法包含調查研究,以到藝文中心觀展的觀眾作為研究對象,透過問卷調查蒐集資料,進行統計分析;而透過訪談策展團隊,藉此建立質量並重的展示評估。此研究可進行不同面向的展示分析,並可針對記憶性議題而對資料做更深入的分析,希望能探求在未來提供策展上的教育互動學習成效的關鍵因素。
This study explores the audience participation experience and applies the Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs) theory to explore audience participation motivation and overall learning outcomes. This study is aimed at viewers of the price-based art. Since 2003, Soka Culture has set up a solo exhibition of artists with different media materials with the theme of “Searching for the Root of Culture-Constructing the Centennial History of Taiwanese Art”. It has more than 120 Taiwanese artists. But what is the effectiveness of the audience's participation experience? Is there an improvement in learning experience through interactive display settings?
This study chooses the artist series exhibition of "Grand Transformations Spread Forth- Chen Ting-Shih’s Artistic World" as the main research object of the price-based art. It is to understand the price-generating art as the audience and try to use the "visitors experience" in the curatorial process. Evaluate the experience of the educational interactive area in different exhibitions, hoping to let the people know the aesthetic knowledge content in the exhibition in the way of learning in the interaction. The series aims to promote and evaluate new ways for visitors to come into contact with local art and culture, so as to understand the connotation and value of art works to enhance learning outcomes. Through the Generic Learning Outcomes (GLOs), the selection indicators are comprehensively selected, and new ways to expand the art of contact are proposed. The method of assessing the influence of learning experience is also established, and the purpose of evaluating the design exhibition area is reached. The research method includes investigation and research, and the audience of the exhibition in the Art and Culture Center is used as the research object. The questionnaires are used to collect data for statistical analysis. Through the interviewing and curating team, the quality assessment is emphasized. This research allows for different orientation-oriented presentation analysis and a more in-depth analysis of data for memory issues, hoping to explore key factors in the future of curatorial interactive learning.
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