



中文關鍵字: 誘目性; 感官體驗; 互動包裝


隨著科技日新月異,包裝產業也因應時代需求而有所變遷,因此包裝設計的突破與創新也漸成趨勢。吸引消費者目光乃為商業包裝設計的主要功能之一,故如何達到「誘目性」即為包裝設計創新求變中的一項重要條件。 本計畫透過改變消費者過去接觸包裝單向傳播資訊的經驗,轉化成具誘目性的雙向互動包裝,並以人體感官接受系統中最主要的視覺系統,其中的主要影響刺激源「光和聲音」應用於互動包裝設計,嘗試讓消費者能夠透過光和聲音的刺激,達到誘目效果,進而提高對消費者的吸引程度,並藉此拓展新材料應用於包裝設計的跨領域研究上。 本計畫之研究程序簡述如下: 第一階段(第一年研究):篩選出具代表性與誘目性的光感應材料 首先透過文獻探討釐清相關光感應材料的特性與應用領域,並嘗試歸納出應用於互動包裝之雛形模式。再透過「專家訪談法」篩選出適合用的光感應材料,以此當作「眼動儀實驗」的基礎包裝單位體,透過眼動儀實驗探究感光材料對於人眼的誘目性程度,並搭配問卷調查感光材料與受訪者隻喜好程度,將實驗與問卷兩者所得的數據結果比較分析,選出最具代表性的三種基礎樣本,當作第二階段實體包裝應用的前期實驗成果。 第二階段(第二年研究):將感光材料應用於實體包裝,並加入聽覺與之比較,歸納最終具體結論 第二階段主要將第一階段的基礎樣本製作成實體互動包裝,並進行不同感官體驗組合(加入聽覺之比較)的問卷調查,比較消費者對於互動包裝(光、聲音、複合式刺激)及一般靜態商業包裝之間的不同體驗與差異性,藉此找出新材料與具誘目性互動包裝的相關應用方法。 本研究分為兩階段原本預定執行時間為兩年,但計劃核准期限為一年,因此成果報告將呈現一年的研究成果,篩選出最具誘目性的三種感光材料。


As technology advances, packaging industry has also changed because of the demand of the times. Breakthrough and innovation have also become trend of packaging design. However, the main function for packaging design is to catch consumers’ attention. Therefore, “attractiveness“ is still an important factor to be considered in the commercial design. To change consumers’ consumption experiences, we translate the one-way delivery of packaging into a two-way transitive. “Vision and hearing“ will be the two sensory systems for receivers; “light and sound“ as the main sources of stimuli. Then we apply both of them to the packaging design. We attempt to use the light and sound to raise the attractive level of packaging. Therefore, this interactive packaging can catch consumers ‘ attention easier. At last, we plan to develop innovative materials applied to cross-field research in the packaging design field. We will conduct the plan in two years. And the research program is outlined as follows: The first year: Select the representative and attractive materials. Step 1: Through literature studies, we can understand the material of induction and application of optical sensor. Next, tend to find out prototypes of interactive packaging for models. Step2: Select the optical sensor materials with Expert Interview. The results of interviews will be as basic units of packaging samples through the eye movement experiment. Through eye movement experiment, we will select three kinds of representative basic packaging design. Step3: The basic sample packaging design application will be the entity in the second year. The second year: Conduct the application of concrete interacting packaging, and additionally compare with the situation of hearing samples, and infer the conclusion. The main purpose is to wrap an underlying sample into the entity model. Through questionnaires investigation, we will compare the differences in consumers’ interaction between interactive packaging and traditional packaging. At last, we develop innovative materials and induce application methods of packaging. This study is divided into two phases had been scheduled to run for two years, but the plans approved for a period of one year. Therefore, we will represent one year of research achievements, which is filtering out the most luring of accounts of three photographic materials.