




動畫短片不同於長片,必須在短暫的時間內表達一個完整故事,因此,故事進行會較為緊湊紮實。在有限的時間裏,如何吸引住觀眾的目光,除了故事本身的內容結構層面外,敘事的手法更是一大挑戰。其中鏡頭的運用攸關敘事的能力,對於動畫吸引力的影響不容小覷。 3D動畫短片的創作可說是目前大專院校動畫相關科系師生教學與學習的重點課程。儘管故事編寫與鏡頭運用深深地影響動畫短片的成敗,相關的研究卻始終不足。因此,本研究嘗試聚焦這兩項重要動畫製作議題,藉由研究成功的動畫短片,建置完整的資料及分析,以奠立故事編寫與鏡頭運用的參考依據。 研究首先從相關電影、動畫文獻中探討故事編寫與分鏡相關的分類方法,並以皮克斯歷年來的動畫短片為研究樣本,透過最基礎的逐格數據分析,以較客觀的判別方式分析影片鏡頭的運動,進而對鏡頭的運用架構與運動的表現性做探討,並歸納出成功3D動畫短片的故事編排與鏡頭運動的關聯。研究成果期能做為臺灣電腦動畫教育與創作的重要參考文獻。


Compared to ordinary feature films, short animations are quite different as the story must be completely expressed in a limited span of time. Ongoing process of the story is usually compact and solid. Under the time constraint, the challenges to appeal the audience in storytelling mainly are the story itself and the way of story telling. For the later, the camera movement defines the clarity of story telling, thus, impact the appeal of the animation significantly. The creation of short animations has been one of the most important courses in animation-related departments in college. Being two critical issues in production of animation, relevant studies and publishes regarding story telling and camera movement are still rare. Thus, this research aims to solve these problems. Through studying well-known short animations, frame data will be collected and examined. These data are then analyzed and reorganized to build the reference for story telling and camera movement. This research first investigates the way to tell from image angle, size and movement of movie cuts from published resource. Short animations produced by Pixar are used in our research and analysis samples. By way of using scientific tools to analyze data statistics, this research studies the story and the lens language of 3D short animation films, and tries to generalize the association between animation storyboard and camera movements. As the results of this research, they should provide an important reference of story telling and camera usage in Taiwan’s education and creation of computer animation.






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