




本研究探討近年來臺灣「文化治理」與「文化公共領域」的演變和現況,特別是2011年以來臺灣文化公共論壇的興起與藝術文化工作者、團體的文化行動和公共參與模式。透過此二核心論述概念,分析臺灣視覺藝術公共領域中的五個層次結構關係:(一)藝文團體與上層文化治理結構(系統世界)間之權力對抗、合作與挪用關係;(二)藝術文化工作者對彼此公共參與的「理性」與「心態」等角色認知的平行結構關係;(三)藝文團體中對意見協調、溝通、共識達成與行動等內部運作機制(參與「技術」);(四)能動者動員其社會資本,並透過文化論壇與文化行動,對上層系統威權體制及常民日常生活產生的影響;(五)藝文工作者與團體是否足以支撐起一個穩定的文化公共領域,其局限性為何,而臺灣視覺藝術公共領域是否具備有別於其他公共領域的特質。 運用報章、雜誌、網路對藝文論壇與文化行動的報導等文獻分析、深度訪談與個案分析等研究方法,以文化元年基金會籌備處、臺灣視覺藝術界團體(社團法人中華民國視覺藝術協會)及視覺藝術工作者為研究對象,本計劃研究臺灣視覺藝術與電影公共領域中之能動者,彼此互動、溝通、協商等連結機制,以及由此產生的藝術文化論壇或文化行動。本計劃試圖構築臺灣當前藝術文化工作者參與文化公共領域的方式,並探究未來臺灣文化治理與文化公共領域變化和發展的可能性。


The project looks into the development of cultural governance and cultural public sphere in Taiwan, especially the rise of cultural public forum and cultural activism among visual artists and groups in Taiwan after 2011. Five structural levels of cultural governance and cultural public sphere are to be analyzed, (a) the power relations between the system world and artist groups; (b) the understanding of participating “rationality” and “mentality” in public spheres among artists; (c) the coordinating and communicating mechanism within cultural workers and groups (participating “technology”); (d) the cultural forum and cultural action of artists and their impacts toward the system world and the life world of people; (e) the potential, limits and features of cultural public sphere in Taiwan. Through analyses of newspaper, magazine and internet story reports about art-cultural forums and actions in Taiwan, as well as in-depth interviews of members of Preparatory Office of Cultural Renewal Foundation, Association of the Visual Arts in Taiwan the project attempts to investigate the mode of communicative actions of cultural workers, and grasp the transformation and future development of cultural governance and cultural public sphere in Taiwan.