




本計劃從「文化治理」的學術論述與政策實踐角度切入,探討2014年文化部送行政院的「文化基本法」草案與台灣文化治理論述相互接軌的現況。透過文化基本法草案中對於文化部「跨部會協調溝通整合機制」的具體規範,本計劃試圖探索(一)在程序上、人員編制上、權限分配上,以及跨部會橫向及縱向溝通聯繫上制度應如何建立;(二)此機制究竟可能達成什麼樣具體的文化施政理念、資源與權限協力整合的成效;(三)文化治理及行政院文化部為核心的跨部會協調溝通整合機制,在本質上及實質運作上是否具備有別於其他部會的協調機制;(四)此文化機制實踐的困境與限制何在?需要什麼樣的制度性、政策性的修改與配套措施,方能達成此機制、法規設計的原始目的。 藉由文化治理、文化法規與跨部會協調整合機制的文獻分析,國外文化部門的實踐經驗,研究者個人參與文化基本法草案草擬與諮詢的會議記錄與經驗,本計劃希冀務實探討以「文化」為主體的文化事務跨部會協商溝通整合機制實踐之可行性。透過對文化部、經濟部、原民會,既有政策法規盤存,以及業務部門主管的專家諮詢訪談(特別是針對文化經貿與文創產業議題、少數文化權利議題、文化外交與國際文化交流策略議題,以及中央與地方政府文化業務整合議題),本計劃研析文化部跨部會協調溝通整合機制在文化理念、資源與權限協力上將可能達成什麼具體的成效。


The project analyzes the realistic connectivity between the 2014 Draft of Cultural Basic Law (CBA) and discourses of cultural governance in Taiwan. Through the mechanism of interministerial coordination defined in the draft of CBA, it aims to explore (a) how the mechanism should be devised in aspects of procedures, integration of economic and human resources, and division of competence; (b) what integrated effects can such coordinating mechanism achieve; (c) how the cultural oriented devise may differ from other interministerial coordination mechanism in nature; and (d) what difficulties may such a mechanism encounter. Through the literature reviews on cultural governance, cultural laws and interministerial coordination; records and minutes of consultation meetings for the drafting of Cultural Basic Law; and interviews with officials in the Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Economic Affairs (on issues of cultural trade and cultural industries); Council of Aboriginal Affairs (on issues of minority cultural rights and cultural affairs); the project looks into the feasibility of such interministerial cultural coordination mechanism as well as its limits.