




通用設計為目前國際設計之趨勢,並在各種設計領域中蓬勃發展,顯示出對於人的高度關懷,提出所謂以人為中心的設計概念。台灣對於通用設計在工業設計、空間設計等範疇,近年努力發展下已多有斬獲,但是相較之下,其他領域仍為初探之姿,因此為拓展設計之廣度,本計畫著重在包裝設計結構與通用設計之關係,以期能提供包裝設計領域作為參考之用。 本計劃細分為兩大子題進行研究分析,分別為:紙器包裝提把結構與紙器包裝封口結構兩大部分。面對此兩大主題,採用KJ法、問卷調查法與結構式間接訪談等研究方法,分別針對提把結構與封口結構之代表性樣本進行評價,並加入實驗驗證予以修正,逐步推導出符合通用設計原則的包裝結構設計準則。 本計劃研究結果就提把結構與封口結構分述如下: 一、提把結構方面:根據研究結果顯示,提把結構可依使用情形分為提把本身結構與提把使用中的狀態,以「本身結構方面」的設計準則有:使用舒適原則、引導指示原則;「提把使用中」的準則有:使用牢靠原則、堆疊便利原則、開啟便利原則與取出便利原則。 二、封口結構方面:依照使用狀態的情形,分為本身結構、開啟使用中、開啟使用後三階段,以「本身結構方面」的設計準則有:提示與引導原則、簡單直覺化原則、開啟方式多元化、結構尺度彈性原則;「開啟使用中」的準則有:開啟方向自由原則、防呆容許錯誤原則、省力便捷操作原則;「開啟使用後」的準則有:寬裕取出空間原則、空間預留使用原則、回扣重複使用原則。 綜合兩大主題之結果,可以發現提把結構與封口結構皆強調操作時的引導性、直覺性、開放性,但是兩者也各有其著重之處,提把結構因為考量到搬運的功能性,手部的舒適度與結構的強度是必須多加思考的面向;封口結構則偏重開啟的方便程度,所以重視開啟方式的多元性、省力性等。希望透過本研究之成果,提供包裝結構設計領域之參考。


Recently, Universal Design is a trend of international designs and blooms in various design fields. The situation points out that the world shows the high concern about human so the human-centered concepts of design are brought up. In Taiwan, Universal Design research has got abundant harvests in industrial design and space design fields for several years. However, other design fields just reveal their curtains. Therefore, in order to broaden the horizon, this project focuses on the relationship between packaging structure design and Universal Design. We are eager to provide some useful consequence for packaging design. This project is divided into two parts, including: portable handling structure and sealing structure of carton packaging. We applied KJ method, Questionnaire Survey, Structured indirect interview method for individually evaluating symbolic samples. Moreover, we added experiment verification to modify our results and derived our final criteria of packaging structure design for consisting with Universal Design. According to the results of this research project, we depict in two parts: 1. Portable handling structure: Based on the consequence, portable handling structure can be separated in two parts with its used situation. The criteria of self-structure as follow: comfortable use and obvious guidance for use. The criteria of in-use situation as follow: stability, pile-up easily for use, easy ways for opening, easy ways for getting out from inside. 2. Sealing packaging structure: according to its used situation in three ways as follow: self-structure, in-use period, and after-use period. The criteria of self-structure as follow: guidance, intuitive use, multiple open ways, and flexible structure. The criteria of in-use period as follow: unlimited ways, tolerance for errors, and low physical manipulation. The criteria of after-use period as follow: amble space or size for taking out, expected space, buckle repeatedly for use. Integrate the consequences of two parts, it showed that portable handling structure and sealing structure both emphasize on guidance, instinct use, and equitable use. But portable handling structures care about the comfort of hands and structure’s strength. On the other hand, sealing structures emphasize on the multiple open approaches and low physical manipulation.