




在建立產業需求導向的人才培育趨勢下,數位媒體與出版相關產業亟待建立各工作的職務、單元任務等職能指標及相關研究的知識系譜。建構職能的方法眾多,而疊勘法(Developing a Curriculum, DACUM)是一項產業專家們透過面對面、腦力激盪,建立共識,最後獲致結論的研究方法。然藉由相互討論、不斷演繹、歸納,耗費時間,且參與者要同一時間聚在一起,才能激起火花和共鳴,有其執行上的困難存在。而隨著網際網路、資訊與通訊科技成熟,雲端科技具有互動、即時傳遞且不受限時空之優點,正好可以補足產業的專家們不易同時聚在一堂實施疊勘法(DACUM)之不足與缺點。本研究透過「雲端」來進行DACUM的活動,讓數位媒體與出版產業的專業人士、學界學者專家們,建立「無所不在」的溝通平台。本研究運用文獻探討與文件分析法、比較研究法、雲端問卷調查法、疊勘專家訪談、疊勘專家會議建立共識、雲端平台DACUM職能分析模式實作,進行雲端疊勘職能分析DACUM Occupational Analysis驗證等。研究期間獲得數位媒體設計人員職能165項單元任務底稿;進行雲端網路問卷調查,專家訪談、專家會議,獲得122項單元任務。再經所建立之雲端平台,邀約疊勘專家們透過平台提出職能分析意見,進行「職務」與「單元任務」等的修訂,最終建立「數位媒體設計人員職能」雲端疊勘分析表。本研究成果之一「雲端疊勘職能分析模式」,提供一個擁有「異地」、「異時」、「異使用者」等三種協同的雲端平台工作的模式,將可作為各種不同產業透過雲端建構職能的參考。成果二「數位媒體設計人員職能分析表」則可提供相關產業等「產官學研」之運用,可作為企業用才、學校育才、政府選才之參據,促使學用合一、教考訓用合一。


Under the current trend of talent training and cultivation based on industrial-driven requirements, digital publishing industry is also urgently needed to establish occupational competence charts for its various job functions. Among the numerous job function analysis methods DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) job analysis method is one that requires all the experts to get together to review, discuss and brainstorm the specific job function descriptions and related duties and tasks in order to reach consensus and conclusion to create the DACUM Competence Chart. However, there are practical difficulties for all these experts to get together in conducting these review, discuss and brainstorm meetings; the Cloud technology has the advantage of instant communication without the constraints of time and space, allowing the group of experts to get together and hold brainstorm review meetings through the Cloud. Cloud technology thus eliminated the drawbacks and weaknesses of the DACUM job analysis method and turned it into one of the most complete and efficient job function analysis methods. This research project was carried out using a hybrid methodology which included: 1). Literature Review and Document Analysis; 2). Comparison Analysis; 3). Questionnaire Survey via Cloud; 4). Interview with Experts; 5). DACUM Occupational Analysis meetings via Cloud and 6). Verifications of the DACUM competence model via Cloud technology. The resulted 15 duties and 122 tasks were then finalized by DACUM Trello platform via Cloud technology in establishing the final DACUM Competence Chart for Digital Media Designers. This research study has demonstrated that the “Cloud DACUM Occupational Analysis Model” is viable, offer an environment which provides “asynchronous” collaboration works, and can be used in conducting various job function analyses by various industries successfully. The resulted DACUM Competence Chart for digital media designers can also be valuable for digital publishing industry, universities and government agencies as a standard in hiring, educating and selecting of the talents in digital media designer related fields.