臺灣基督新教藝術家創作實踐之意義初探 —— 以安力·給怒「心樹·新靈」個展爲例
A Preliminary Study on the Meaning of the Creation Practice of Protestant Artists in Taiwan -- A Case Study of the Exhibition
There are a lot of Protestant art activities in Taiwan, but what is the meaning of the artwork of Protestant Artists in Taiwan? It's always unclear, Therefore, this study takes the exhibition “Heart Tree and Spiritual Rebirth” of Anli Genu as the research object. The "intermediaries" analysis framework of "cultural diamond" by Alexander, as well as literature review, depth interviews and participant observation are the research methods. It is found that if the meanings of the three parts are added together, there are at least 23 aspects of the meaning of Anli Genu's artworks, the recipients have the largest number. The content of meaning is not limited to the Christian faith, but presents rich characteristics, and most of the meaning is related to the local culture. Finally, this study suggests that we should consider the artists of ordinary believers, church pastors and ordinary believers as research objects for follow-up research.
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